If you don't want to wait that long, and need help in logging on, the numbers are 495-1713 or 947-0587. The AMUG BBS's operate at 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity bits (sometimes referred to as "8-1-N", or some variation thereof). The BBS operates at speeds of up to 9600 baud.
Although we do not have space this month to offer many tips, there are a couple of things that tend to drive new users nuts. The first is to use CONTROL-C if things seem to just keep scrolling along forever and you want to stop. CONTROL-C means hold down the "cloverleaf-like" key, then press "C". Depending on where you are, you can then type "Q" to quit what you were doing, or, in some circumstances you need to press the RETURN key. The only other tip is that if you are going to upload text into a message, make sure the text is
-- part contents for card part 2
----- text -----
plain (ASCII) text, and has no blank lines. It is also best to have no carriage returns in the text, but if you do, make sure there is not line longer than 74 characters. Your text can also not be longer than 75 lines. The same comments apply to pasting in text. Note that we are only talking here about sending text to the message areas. No such restriction apply (of course) if your are uploading a file in any of the file areas.
When you first dial the BBS (495-1713 or 947-0587) you will be asked for your first and last names. You need to be careful that you don't have any typographical errors, and also remember if you use any